Harry & Francis Christianson – TPLO


Ginger Kelley – TPLO

Barred Owl – Fractured Elbow

Red Tailed Hawk – Wing Fracture

Great Horned Owl – Fractured Leg

Tom Renard, TPLO

Snickers, Vicki Everson

Tom Eggen and Mia, 3 months post TPLO Lacrosse, WI

Zoie, two weeks post TPLO Holmen, WI

Chris and Amanda Running from LaCrosse, WI with Ruby [TPLO surgery 3months ago], doing great!

Lucy Zygarlucke of Chili WI


“Carmel” Schneiderman reconstructive knee surgery


Gus Barnhardt Knee Reconstruction

Max and Heath Waddell Success Story

Nyla Nelson Reconstructive Leg Surgery Success Story


Cece Loeffler, 4 year old German Shepherd
TPLO on left knee in October – Cece walking one month after her surgery

“Chase” owned by Josh Corlett of Lacrosse, WI and Emily Koresh[C.V.T] of Van Loon Animal
“Chase” suffered a fractured radius and ulna and was surgically repaired at Van Loon Animal Hospital by Dr. Mark Hein and our team of technicians with a bone plate application to the radius. “Chase” is healed after about 2 months and happy with his new leg! Fractures…

“Furio” owned by Mark Erickson

February 26, 2016 – Dog Care

Alvin Richardson and “Izzy” – Poplar Grove, IL

“Gizmo Wooden TPLOL Left Knee – Onalaska

“Gizmo” Wooden tplo left leg 5 weeks

“Gizmo” Wooden – TPLO Left Knee

“Kira” Ably Rhinelander, WI




Knee Surgery


Fracture Repair

Left Rear Knee